Curated by Bianca Brand
5 November – 5 December 2015
Bianca Brand isn’t tall, she isn’t loud and she’s surprisingly nonchalant about her work. Yet affection is exactly what she achieves with her captivating imagery. She readily waives the title of artist in favour of being called an illustrator. On the difference between the two, Brand says that art expresses what the artist feels. “An illustrator has to predict what other people may feel and find a way to capture that. It’s much less about us and much more about tapping into the audience’s emotions”
“Developing your style is crucial”, she says. “It might seem like an obvious thing to say, but once you realise that your style is your single most important marketing tool, the thing that makes people notice and remember you, not a moment will go by without deeply and critically examining the finest details of what you create.”
Brand’s work hearkens back to much older art forms like rock painting and tribal art. The works seem to depict significant and sacred events and drive one towards finding a spiritual or ethical message.
You can also view Brand’s work on the Jameson Indie Channel and her Behance profile.
[An edited write-up from an article in by Ludwig Spies]